
How To Remove Cabinet Drawer Fronts

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Every now and then, certain cleaning and moving tasks may require you lot to manually remove the drawers from a cabinet, dresser, or similar piece of article of furniture. Removing drawers is a cinch in nigh cases, but the procedure tin vary a fleck depending on the type of drawer y'all're working with. Well-nigh wood-glide and free-rolling drawers will come straight out with a little bit of force or a tilt at the correct bending. For drawers with stopping mechanisms like stabilizer screws or anti-tip cables, you'll need to remove the screws holding the drawer in place earlier you lot can terminate pulling it out.

  1. 1

    Pull the drawer out as far equally it will go. Stand in front of the piece of furniture, take concord of the handle or knob on the front end panel, and brainstorm sliding the drawer out until it stops moving. If the drawer doesn't have a stopper, information technology should come right out. If you meet resistance, you lot'll need to move the drawer around a fiddling in society to piece of work information technology free.[1]

    • Most drawers contain some type of stopping machinery designed to keep them from falling out accidentally. In gratuitous-rolling drawers, the stopper is typically a small raised lip on the forepart side of the interior track.
    • Exist sure to continue enough space between yous and the front of the drawer to permit it to extend all the way out.[2]

    Tip: Wood-Glide draws can sometimes seem to stick a niggling, fifty-fifty if they're not fitted with stoppers. Earlier y'all get-go searching for obstructions, effort giving the drawer a proficient tug to see if that gets it past its sticking point.[3]

  2. 2

    Tilt the front of the drawer downward. Button down on the sides of the drawer so that the back finish lifts slightly. This will cause the wheels or lip on the dorsum edge to heighten up higher than the stopper at the front of the track, making information technology possible to pull the drawer out the rest of the fashion.[4] [v]

    • Y'all may need to rock or jostle the drawer to help costless the wheels from the rail. Be careful not to get likewise crude with it, though, or you lot could damage information technology or its attached hardware.


  3. three

    Finish pulling the drawer straight out. Once the wheels or back edge are by the stopper, all you have to do is slide the drawer off of the rail and out of the opening in the furniture. Set the drawer bated on a flat, stable surface and repeat the process for whatsoever additional drawers you wish to remove.[half dozen] [vii]

    • If yous're still having trouble getting the drawer out, there'due south a risk that information technology may be equipped with another type of stopping mechanism, such as levers or stabilizer screws.
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  1. 1

    Open the drawer and place the rail levers along the outer walls. Y'all should see a lever on each side of the drawer, right around the centre of the rail. These levers may either be straight or slightly curved. Their chore is to prevent the drawer from existence removed until they're disengaged.[8] [9]

    • Be careful non to get your fingers caught in the overlapping tracks as y'all open the door.
    • Full-extension slide tracks, which are often found on 12 in (30 cm) drawers, most frequently have straight tabs. Three-quarter-extension slide tracks, which are more than mutual on six in (fifteen cm) box drawers, tend to accept curved rails levers.
  2. ii

    Press down on both levers simultaneously. The all-time way to exercise this is to use your thumbs or forefingers to disengage the levers while supporting the drawer from the bottom with your remaining fingers. That way, you won't drib the drawer if it comes off of its runway unexpectedly.[ten]

    • Apply your left hand to press the lever on the lefthand side of the drawer and your right hand to press the lever on the righthand side of the drawer
    • Some runway levers may demand to be pulled up rather than pushed down. Still, this configuration is somewhat rare.
  3. 3

    Pull the drawer direct out while holding downwards the levers. Continue sliding the drawer towards you, making certain to keep both levers disengaged. When information technology reaches the finish of its tracks, information technology should lift straight out. Remove whatever subsequent drawers from the slice in the same style.[11]

    • When you're prepare to put the drawer down, place it on a flat, sturdy surface.

    Warning: On some pieces of furniture, the metallic retainer tracks will remain extended after you've pulled the drawer free. For your own safety, be sure to push these tracks back in before handing the slice whatever further.

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  1. 1

    Slide the drawer out and locate the stabilizer screws at the end of the tracks. You'll discover these screws on the lesser portion of each track. They're used to secure the 2 halves of the track, the meridian of which doubles as a catch tab to hold the drawer in place.[12]

    • If the drawer you're attempting to remove has metallic tracks just no screws at the stop, they may exist metal glide drawers with levers. Run into if you tin can find a pair of rail levers to press that will then permit you pull the drawer free.
  2. 2

    Apply an appropriate screwdriver to remove the stabilizer screws. Plow the screws to the left (counterclockwise) to loosen them, then pull them free from the holes in the track hardware. Set both screws aside somewhere yous won't lose them.[thirteen]

    • Most drawers with stabilizer screws use ii in (5.ane cm) #8 chiffonier screws, which need to exist removed with a Phillips screwdriver.[14]
  3. 3

    Elevator up on the catch tabs to separate the 2 halves of the track. Pull up on both tabs simultaneously. As you exercise, the top half of the track will come up away from the bottom half, permitting the drawer to open past the stopping mechanism.[15]

    • In that location should exist plenty of a lip on the catch tabs for you to easily grip them between your thumb and forefinger.
  4. 4

    Pull the drawer out the residuum of the way. Without letting become of the catch tabs, guide the drawer off of its tracks. Hold information technology as straight equally possible and move information technology in alignment with the tracks to prevent information technology from sticking. Once it'south clear, set it downward carefully and motility onto the next drawer.[sixteen]

    • If you're going to be removing multiple drawers, check the lip on the righthand side interior of each drawer for a small number decal. These indicate which drawer goes where, which will make information technology much easier to return them all to their proper place.
    • To reinstall a drawer with stabilizer screws, simply work in opposite: align the door with the track, lower the grab tab over the rail's lesser half, then thread and tighten the screws.[17]

    Warning: Brace yourself when lifting the drawer out. Drawers with stabilizer screws are probable to exist heavy, regardless of how total they are.

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  1. 1

    Extend the drawer and look for the cablevision on the behind. Pull the drawer out until it stops moving and take a peek at the back panel. There, you should see a minor metal cablevision tethering the drawer to the body of the piece of furniture. This cablevision is there to prevent more than one drawer from existence opened at the same time.[18]

    • Anti-tip cables are a common safety feature on tiptop-heavy pieces that are prone to losing their stability when multiple drawers are open.
    • On the peak and bottom drawers, the cables will be connected to special inserts fastened to the back panel. On the centre drawers, they'll be threaded through eyelets drilled through the back panel.
  2. two

    Undo the screws holding the cable in place. There may be 1 or 2 screws, depending on how the anti-tip hardware is designed, simply a pair of screws is about common. Turn the screws to the left (counterclockwise) until they're loose enough to pull out past hand.[19]

    • Slip the screws in your pocket or ready them on a nearby tabular array or counter to avoid losing them.
    • Different hardware may require dissimilar screwdrivers. In virtually cases, however, a Phillips caput should do the play a joke on.
  3. three

    Press and hold the disconnect tabs if your drawer has them. Examine the rear portion of the metal tracks on either side of the drawer. If y'all observe a pair of adjustable tabs at that place, press both of them in at the same time to disengage them and allow the drawer to slide freely.[20]

    • Go on a business firm grip on the edges of the drawer while you take intendance of the disconnect tabs.
    • Make sure both tabs are pushed in completely. They may not "lock" into identify on their ain, which means you lot'll need to continue pressing down on them until afterward you've removed the drawer.

    Tip: In some cases, it may be necessary to push down or pull upwards on the disconnect tabs (or perform both actions simultaneously) in society to undo them.[21]

  4. 4

    Slide the drawer straight off of its tracks. Pull the drawer towards you until information technology comes abroad from the piece of article of furniture. Y'all may need to lift or angle the drawer upwardly slightly in order to get it clear of the finish of the tracks.[22]

    • Don't forget to push the extended metal tracks dorsum into the piece before removing the next drawer or going about your business organization.
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Add New Question

  • Question

    Can I buy the plastic gliders that attach to the drawer?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you can buy them online or look for them in your local hardware or furniture stores.

  • Question

    The drawers on my dresser have no visible rails and very little move upwardly or downwards. Tin can you lot suggest an alternative method?

    Community Answer

    I have an old Mumbai Company dresser and I constitute that it had a peg in the back on both sides that needed to be pushed in. This may exist the case for your dresser too.

  • Question

    How tin can I remove drawers from Nolte furniture?

    Community Answer

    Pull out the drawer to its fullest extent. Concord the drawer forepart end with both easily and give a sharp elevator upward. The drawer volition detach from the slides and tin can then be removed. To supervene upon, fit the drawer onto the slides and push all the way in. Test right operation by pulling out while supporting the drawer to make sure it halts on the stops.

  • Question

    How do I supplant the drawer subsequently information technology has come up out?

    Community Answer

    Simply lock it back in identify past riding it on the inside wheels of the supporters. If the drawer is defective, mensurate the drawer and find the model number for it to look for a replacement in places like Lowes or Home Depot.

  • Question

    What tin I practise to ready a sliding drawer that has popped off its track?

    Community Answer

    Line upwards the drawer with the rails, cheque to see if it's lined up, and push forward.

  • Question

    How do I remove a drawer that has a bottom track and a block on information technology?

    Community Answer

    Attempt using a putty pocketknife to pry information technology. Pull it out as far every bit it will get, then slide the putty knife underneath.

  • Question

    How practise I put the drawers back?

    Community Answer

    If you take the brawl begetting gliders, there are levers on the sides of the drawers. Squeeze the levers and line the drawer upwardly carefully. Once you lot start sliding the drawers back in, you will feel the levers click in place. And so, the drawers should easily glide for you lot!

  • Question

    What do I do if my draws only go 3/iv of the fashion and terminate?

    Community Answer

    If you lot have the brawl bearing gliders and they are installed properly, including that they are the right size, they should glide all the manner out. In that location are levers on each side that yous squeeze and they will come out; unless they are worn out. Mine only opened an inch and I was able to pry them with a flathead screwdriver. The main thing that you need to be careful of when replacing them, is that they are lined upwardly properly and level.

  • Question

    How do you remove drawer glides if they are mounted at the center of the drawer?

    Community Answer

    After information technology stops when fully open, agree both sides, brace knees or foot against dresser and pull with firm, steady pressure on the drawer. It should slide correct out. The glides are then attainable and tin can be screwed off.

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  • When removing multiple drawers from a piece of furniture, always outset with the top drawer and work your way downward to preclude the piece from tipping over.

  • Emptying the drawer of its contents earlier pulling it out volition brand it lighter and therefore easier to hold onto and maneuver. Information technology will also reduce your risk of injury if you happen to drop it.


  • Consider pulling on a pair of thick piece of work gloves when working with metallic drawers and tracks to protect yourself from cuts, pinches, and precipitous edges.

  • Lightweight drawers can normally be handled safely past one person. If you program on taking the drawers out of a loaded filing chiffonier or other heavy-duty slice, it'due south a skillful idea to recruit an banana.


Things You lot'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Thick piece of work gloves (optional)

About This Article

Commodity Summary X

If you lot want to remove wood-glide or gratuitous-rolling drawers from a slice of furniture, start by pulling the starting time drawer out every bit far as it volition get. Then, push downward on the sides of the drawer so that the back stop lifts upwards slightly. This causes the wheels or lip on the back edge to raise upwardly higher than the stopper at the forepart of the runway. One time the wheels or back edge are past the stopper, you tin slide the drawer off of the track and out of the furniture. Ready the drawer bated on a flat, stable surface and repeat the process for any additional drawers you wish to remove! For tips on how to remove drawers with stabilizer screws or metallic gliders, read on!

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